Delivery Made Easy

Regular Orders

Orders up to 10KG*
Most phones, software & accessories


Heavy Orders

Orders between 10kg and 25KG*
Most printers, desktops, monitors


Big & Bulky Orders

Orders between 10kg and 25KG*
Most large format printers & servers


*All weights measured in cubic KG

Titan IT's procurement portal uses a number of suppliers as well as our own stock for fulfilment.  Your order will be processed as soon as it is received with full payment unless you have a credit account with us. Despatch can take 1-3 business days for "In Stock" items. You will receive an email with a tracking number as soon as your order has shipped.


We are reliant on our service providers to ensure that items arrive in a timely fashion, we cannot be held responsible for courier delays.


What is your Delivery time for online purchases?

For items that are available and in stock:


* Estimated delivery for Urban New Zealand is 2 to 5 working days 

 * Estimated delivery in Rural New Zealand is 4 to 7 working days


For orders that are on back order or ordered on demand:

If a product is not available, please note this can take between 7 to 20 working days for delivery. These items are always subject to availability. We will keep in touch via email to update you on your order status, but you are free to call us or email us at any time. Some orders can take longer than the stated 12 days. This is an approximate timeframe.


While we make every effort to source back ordered products, on occasion we may not be able to do so. If a back order has been placed for an item that we cannot source, we will notify you and will provide you with a prompt refund. Refunds will be made using the same method as payment i.e. Credit card payments will be refunded back onto credit card etc.

 Other shipping information:

All deliveries require a signature so someone must sign for the delivery.


*Occasionally external factors may mean your order does not arrive the next day. Does not apply to orders on back order. The delivery information is to be used as a guide only and cannot be guaranteed at all. For any orders related inquiries please get in contact with us.